Showing posts with label Kandice Zimbleman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kandice Zimbleman. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Examples of Video Portraits

"Video Portraits" can vary in styles and can include talking, or no talking.

Video Portraiture or Video Portraits tend to have a visual documentary style, but they are heavily more subjective and not objective. There's generally no action to action scene cutting, unless the premise is action or stunts (like Parkour, skateboard stunts, dare devils, cliff diving, acrobatics, race cars, etc.).  It tends to be more about mood, or themes, and can often be biographical, autobiographical, or expressing a theme of message. However, they are also often vague, ambiguous, or enigmatic, or even cryptic.

Examples of Video Portraits/Video Portraiture:

My Daughter (Humor):



Thursday, February 18, 2016

I Got A New "Gold Record" on "8Tracks": Om Chants [Free Streaming]

I'm actually surprised that this became so popular. Originally I wanted this record to be all "om" chants for meditation and/or yoga related practices. (Yes, I quite enjoy yoga and meditation for beneficial medical and emotional well being reasons.) Unfortunately, 8Tracks just refused to let my upload certain tracks. I have no idea why. I tried frequently for over half a year,  like 7-8 months of trying, until I finally gave up on certain tracks, and just uploaded Deva Premal and some ambient tracks at the end.

There was a weird glitch when I got the "Gold Record" on this album, which just WOULD NOT SHOW UP for about a week or more.... I tried to get in contact with the 8Tracks Team which is generally rather social with me, especially on Twitter, and frequently emails me asking me to create theme mixes... but, they were nowhere to be found... I guess they were sick with flue, or on a vacation... *shrugs*

Here's my Newest Gold Record:

And, here is my First Gold Record:

This one hasn't QUITE made it to gold yet...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dubstep & Glitch-hop Fusion

Here are some mixes I have done since I started my 8Tracks profile. Dubstep has become way more popular than I ever thought it would. I remember when i used to HATE 2-step garage music in the 90s, because it bored me... But, but the mid-late 2000s many musical artists on the West Coast (USA) began playing with the 2-step beat, and adding sampling, dubbing, loops, mixing trance & Eurodance synth, glitching it, and adding what is most signature of the contemporary styles which is the wobble bass distortions, as well as mixing in analogue musical instruments or the electric equivalents.

The 2-step has gone from something I would/could never dance to, then to what we now call "dubtsep" which I find to be quite dancey. It's marvelous for popping & locking, tribal fusion, isolation moves, and is VERY popular with hoop dancers. I hear it in pop music now, and have even seen competitive ice skaters preform to it.

Whimsical & Enchanted

When I first started this blog, I quickly realized that all of the rules had changed, and the opportunity to use ads was restricted, and even tho' I have several blogs,and have posted for years, I wasn't qualified to have ads yet...

Well, I signed in today, and now they are allowing me...

So, here it comes.

Here are just a few mixes I made this year with a whimsical feel.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I've Been Contemplating This For A While

Well.... I've been contemplating this, and putting it off for a long while... but, it's in my blood, and I LOVE music... so, I guess I'll need to start somewhere....

I studied music since I was a young child, but I'm not as good as I could be...

Doesn't matter, because I still LOVE music.